The Peace Bronze Story

From War to Peace jewelry and accessories are entirely American Made of exclusively recycled materials.
Our products are all cast from Peace Bronze, an alloy created from disarmed and recycled American nuclear weapon systems.
Folks are employed in California, New Mexico, Iowa, North Dakota, New York, Colorado, and Pennsylvania in creating our products. We start with copper ore that was mined in Montana, refined in Illinois, and transformed into essential parts of the American nuclear arsenal in Missouri. Those parts were then put into place to carry launch signals to Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Nuclear Missiles at the U.S. missile site in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Starting with disarmament efforts in the 1980s, more than half of our world's nuclear warheads have been disarmed and eliminated. From War to Peace has taken and recycled that nuclear weapon copper in Spencer, Iowa, had it alloyed into Peace Bronze in Los Angeles, California, and from it casts beautiful jewelry and accessories in Paso Robles, California, and Albuquerque, New Mexico. Finishing and assembly work on our pieces is done in Phelps, New York, and San Luis Obispo, California.
All jewelry findings, chains, cording, and packaging materials we use are exclusively American Made. Design work on From War to Peace jewelry and accessories happens in California, Pennsylvania and Colorado. We are as American as apple pie, and our work represents a significant piece of both America's history and its future.
From War to Peace donates a portion of all profits to peace and social justice organizations committed to transforming our world, among them: Veterans for Peace, the National Peace Corps Association, and the International Peace Bureau.
We create all of our work in the United States for a particular reason: we need to show the world that America can make beautiful products that celebrate peace, and that aren't designed to kill people. America has exported war and militarism to our world for too long. It's time to show the world a gentler, more peaceful American face.
American materials that once sent launch
signals to the most violent weapons ever created
have been transformed to help launch peace
in the 21st century.